Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on Thursday said the recently adopted law on transparency of foreign influence was the “constitution of sovereignty” that would make an “important contribution to further strengthening the sovereignty” of the country.
Kobakhidze urged diplomats, foreign and domestic politicians, and youth to “join public discussions” around the law, and added there was “no alternative to transparency”.
Once again, I would like to express my willingness to sit down in the format of a public discussion. I call on any entity - be it diplomats, foreign politicians, domestic politicians, youth or anyone else - I call on everyone to sit down together [and] have a public discussion in front of the public”, he added.
The PM also claimed “some people do not want to see Georgia as a more powerful, more sovereign state” with their opposition to the law, and added the Government would “protect” the legislative piece, which requires registration of non-commercial legal entities and media outlets in the country as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power” if they derive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad.