Deputy Economy Minister says cargo transportation from China through Georgia using Middle Corridor is “historical”

"It is worth noting that it takes 52 days to ship cargo from China to Europe by sea, while it is possible to deliver shipment through the Middle Corridor to the ports of Georgia in 12 days. 12 days will [also] be needed for the auto transportation using this [Middle] Corridor”, he added. Photo via Economy Ministry, 25 May 2024 - 16:12, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgian Deputy Economy Minister Guram Guramishvili on Saturday said the trial transportation of transit cargo from China using the Middle Corridor, a logistics route connecting Central Asia and China to Europe via the South Caucasus, through Georgia was “a historical fact”.

Guramishvili noted it would create an opportunity to bring cargo from China to Europe via Georgia, and announced the transit cargo from the Chinese northwestern city of Ürümqi would arrive in Georgia on Sunday, after passing through Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea and Azerbaijan, the Economy Ministry said.

It is worth noting that it takes 52 days to ship cargo from China to Europe by sea, while it is possible to deliver shipment through the Middle Corridor to the ports of Georgia in 12 days. 12 days will [also] be needed for the auto transportation using this [Middle] Corridor”, he added.

Kazakhstan and China on Friday started transporting transit cargo from the Kazakh port of Kuryk to Baku seaport via the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, in trial mode.

The first three 80-ton Chinese trucks left Ürümqi, a city in northwestern China and boarded a ferry at Kuryk port on Thursday to head to Baku via the China-Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-Georgia route.