MEGOBARI Act reaffirms US’s support to Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration, “countering authoritarian regimes” - Helsinki Commission

"Upon certification of significant democratic progress in Georgia, the Act outlines further US assistance, including negotiating a more preferential trade agreement with Georgia, enhancing people-to-people exchanges and visa simplification, developing an economic and modernisation package, and providing security and defence support to counter Russian aggression”, the Commission noted. Photo via Helsinki Commission, 25 May 2024 - 12:41, Tbilisi,Georgia

The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the United States Helsinki Commission, on Saturday issued a statement over the bipartisan Mobilising and Enhancing Georgia’s Options for Building Accountability, Resilience, and Independence - MEGOBARI - Act, which reaffirms the US’s “commitment to supporting Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration and countering the influence of authoritarian regimes, particularly Russia”.

The legislation, introduced by Helsinki Chairperson Representative Joe Wilson, Ranking Member Representative Steve Cohen and Commissioner Representatives Richard Hudson and Marc Veasey, aims to bolster democratic practices, human rights, and the rule of law in Georgia.

In the Georgian language, ‘megobari’ means ‘friend,’ and this bill reflects the powerful friendship and partnership between the US and the Georgian people”, Wilson said, adding the legislation would highlight the “high costs of further attacks on Georgia’s democracy, but also demonstrate our commitment to revitalising the bilateral partnership”.

The Commission welcomed the introduction of the MEGOBARI Act, following the announcement of a visa restriction policy for individuals and their families “responsible for or complicit in undermining democracy in Georgia” by Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The Act includes the support to democracy and the rule of law in Georgia, acknowledging “significant progress” made by Georgian civil society in this regard, while also addressing the “recent democratic decline” in the country and calling for “increased scrutiny of the Georgian government’s actions and its ties to Russia and other authoritarian regimes”.

It also involves the imposition of sanctions and travel bans on “individuals undermining democracy in Georgia” and the assessment of “Russian intelligence penetration in Georgia and potential Chinese cooperation”.

Upon certification of significant democratic progress in Georgia, the Act outlines further US assistance, including negotiating a more preferential trade agreement with Georgia, enhancing people-to-people exchanges and visa simplification, developing an economic and modernisation package, and providing security and defence support to counter Russian aggression”, the Helsinki Commission noted.

The Commission also emphasised that the MEGOBARI Act reaffirmed the US’s unwavering support for the Georgian people and their “pursuit of democratic and Euro-Atlantic integration”, contributing to regional stability and reinforcing US national interests.