Georgian PM says “no alternative” to fighting “Global War Party”

Kobakhidze also commented on media reports alleging that a possible disclosure of unspecified information by United States authorities could damage the reputation of the ruling Georgian Dream party. Photo: Government Administration, 23 May 2024 - 14:44, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on Wednesday said there was “no alternative” to fighting the “Global War Party”, in reference to unspecified political forces in the West who allegedly seek to create a revolutionary scenario in Georgia and involve the country into opening a “second front” amid the ongoing war in Ukraine.

In his interview with the Georgian Public Broadcaster, Kobakhidze claimed “giving up” in the confrontation would end up in “Ukrainisation” of the country, and added the struggle was “very difficult, including from a personal point of view”.

For me personally, it is not pleasant at all to be in this struggle. This struggle is associated with serious risks. Among them, personal risks - [but] I do not want to give specific examples in this regard. It is not pleasant either personally or in general, but there is no alternative for one reason. The [only other choice] is giving up, and the only outcome of doing so would be Ukrainisation of the country”, he told the channel.

“The only alternative that will come into power is the same political force that ruled the country from 2004 to 2012. This is the collective United National Movement party. The guaranteed result of activities of this political force [...] would be the Ukrainisation of the country. They will easily take the steps they [the Global War Party] asked of us and will achieve the Ukrainisation of the country in a very short period of time”, he claimed.

The Government head further alleged there was a “serious interest in opening a second front” in Georgia amid the war in Ukraine, which he said was aimed at “seriously damag[ing]” Russia's positions, given fighting on two fronts would “not be easy” for the country. But the PM added the scenario “would destroy our country”.

Kobakhidze also commented on media reports alleging that a possible disclosure of unspecified information by United States authorities could damage the reputation of the ruling Georgian Dream party.

“Such information cannot exist, because we act absolutely for the sake of protecting national interests, and the only thing that drives us is the national interests of our country”, Kobakhidze said.

As for the information regarding certain processes - when and how the Global War Party was involved in the development of difficult processes in Georgia - we really have information about this and the Global War Party should be really afraid of this information [becoming] public, [about] what happened in different periods in our country”, he claimed.

“Therefore, no one can be blackmailed, [and] no information can exist - the only information that can exist is the information about the protection of the national interests of our country by our team”, he continued.

Kobakhidze also added Turkey, as a NATO member country, had considered a “stricter law on transparency of foreign influence”, but the plans had not been followed by “such statements” by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

He alleged the difference between the two allegedly contrasting reactions was that Turkey “could not be dragged into the ongoing war in Ukraine through the opening of a second front” unlike Georgia.