Round table discussion in Hungary explores investment opportunities in Georgia

In their addresses, the Georgian Ambassador to Hungary Tamara Liluashvili and the Deputy State Secretary for External Economic Relations Katalin Bihari highlighted the strategic importance of bilateral relations between the two countries. Photo via Georgian Embassy in Hungary, 21 Apr 2024 - 12:38, Tbilisi,Georgia

A collaborative effort between the Georgian Embassy in Hungary, in cooperation with Enterprise Georgia, the state agency promoting entrepreneurship, investment and exports, and law firm Dentons in Budapest, on Thursday brought together stakeholders interested in exploring investment prospects in Georgia for a round table discussion.

The event was attended by companies from Hungary holding an interest in expanding their investment abroad and studying Georgia's business environment and potential opportunities, the Georgian Embassy in Hungary said.

In their addresses, the Georgian Ambassador to Hungary Tamara Liluashvili and the Deputy State Secretary for External Economic Relations Katalin Bihari highlighted the strategic importance of bilateral relations between the two countries.

Mikheil Khidureli, the CEO of Enterprise Georgia and Gabor Jenei, the CEO of the HEPA Hungarian Export Promotion Agency also delivered presentations for the event participants.