Tourism Administration promotes Georgia at International Media Marketplace

The Georgian National Tourism Administration promoted tourism attractions of the country at the International Media Marketplace held in Berlin earlier this month. Photo: GNTA, 22 Mar 2024 - 15:54, Tbilisi,Georgia

The Georgian National Tourism Administration promoted tourism attractions of the country at the International Media Marketplace held in Berlin earlier this month, the body said on Friday.

The conference brought together international media, influencers and bloggers, with the Administration delegation holding about 80 meetings with outlets including Cycling Thread/National Geographic, Neus Deutschland, Ski Guide Austria and Frankfurter Rundschau.

In order to promote Georgia's tourism, projects were planned with the participation of high-rated media outlets, bloggers and influencers, which will help attract tourist flows to the country”, the body said.

The Marketplace featured 180 media companies and 98 international brands, the Administration added.