Mikheil Sarjveladze, the Chair of the Georgian Parliament's Committee on Human Rights, on Saturday said a resolution adopted by the Polish Sejm on Georgia’s imprisoned former President Mikheil Saakashvili was an attempt to “force an open door”.
Sarjveladze’s comment followed the passing of the resolution by the Sejm on Friday urging the world community to save Saakashvili’s life and health. It was incomprehensible for the Committee Chair on what grounds the Polish Parliament had adopted such a resolution, adding the Georgian Government did not need any appeals regarding the protection of the rights of a prisoner in Georgia.
“The fact that Saakashvili does not cooperate with doctors and as a result, his health condition is complicated, it does not mean that any of his [Saakashvili’s] rights are violated”, Sarjveladze noted, stressing there should not be made such “hasty” assessments on the issue without “collecting more information”.