“Official” Santa Claus flight to Japan bypasses Russia, uses Georgian airspace

The flight’s trip to Tokyo Narita Airport had taken three more hours than the usual itinerary for the annual connection bringing Santa from Finland to the Japanese capital. Photo: Finnair

Agenda.ge, 06 Dec 2022 - 19:17, Tbilisi,Georgia

An “official” Santa Claus flight from Finland to Japan on Friday bypassed Russia due to restrictions on the country’s airspace, instead using South Caucasus, including Georgia, for the flight tasked with bringing festive cheer in the run-up to the Christmas season.

Simple Flying said the flight’s trip to Tokyo Narita Airport had taken three more hours than the usual itinerary for the annual connection bringing Santa from Finland to the Japanese capital.Screenshot from Flightradar24.com

Flights of Finnair, the largest carrier of Finland, are customarily used as a "modern sleigh" for Santa on the journey.