US Ambassador rejects MP allegations against US Embassy as “reckless conspiracy theories”

In her comments over the matter, the Ambassador stressed it was necessary to make sure that Georgia’s judiciary truly was “independent, impartial, autonomous, and responsive to the public”. Photo: US Embassy Tbilisi, 17 Aug 2022 - 14:33, Tbilisi,Georgia

United States Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan on Wednesday said allegations of the Embassy’s interference in Georgia’s domestic institutions by several Georgian MPs were “reckless conspiracy theories” and had no basis. 

Degnan was commenting on the latest statement by Popular Force, a recently launched public movement composed of former ruling Georgian Dream party MPs who exited the team in June, that claimed “disrespectful and crass attitude” towards Georgian state institutions in an Embassy document on Georgia’s judicial system reform.

I’m not sure who they represent, and I’m not sure how different they are from the ruling party that they say they left. What I can say is that the accusations that they most recently made against the United States and others are reckless conspiracy theories that have no basis. In fact, it’s very important to keep in mind that the United States works with all political parties across the political spectrum”, Degnan said.

In her comments over the matter, the Ambassador stressed it was necessary to make sure that Georgia’s judiciary truly was “independent, impartial, autonomous, and responsive to the public”.

In this case, it is baffling to me why there is a question about the kind of consultation that has been ongoing, not just with the United States, but with other legal experts, domestic and international, for decades on judicial reform. That consultative process has resulted in improvements in Georgia’s judiciary”, she continued. 

Degnan claimed allegations of the US being responsible for the domestic political polarisation in Georgia were an attempt to shift the blame to those “who know they are responsible to Western partners, who have done nothing but tried to help Georgia for 30 years along its European path”. 

It’s very important to keep in mind that the United States works with all political parties across the political spectrum. We meet with Georgians from across the political spectrum, and we have for over 30 years. This is how we know how we can better support Georgia in trying to help Georgia develop its democratic institutions, develop its economy, ensure that it is more secure and stable as a democracy”, she concluded in her comments.

The statement of Popular Force, released on Tuesday, said the document on the judicial reform, presented by the US Embassy to the Georgian Parliament several days ago, “further supports” a viewpoint that efforts of the Embassy are aimed at “weakening” Georgian state institutions and strengthening the “radical opposition”.

The comments criticised the document for mostly using the term “should”, and only making “recommendations” in a few places, with regards to reform initiatives to be undertaken in Georgia’s judiciary.