Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili on Thursday said the country expected a “wise, far-sighted, politically justified and, most importantly, fair” decision from the European Union on its membership aspirations.
Garibashvili noted the free trade agreement and visa-free travel as “important and tangible” achievements enjoyed by the country, as part of comments on the integration process.
Today, Georgia expects from Europe a wise, far-sighted, politically justified and, most importantly, fair decision; an appropriate recognition of our historic aspirations, tireless efforts, commitments to the integration process and reforms,” Garibashvili said in his address for the Independence Day of Georgia.
The head of the Government noted despite global challenges facing the world - which he said had “severely” affected the economies of many countries - the country maintained “stability and development” through “prudent” policy based on “national interest”.
Today, our country is a reliable and loyal ally of the European Union, and everyone recognises that Georgia has a truly distinguished leadership among the Eastern Partnership countries, as well as among the so-called Associated Trio [Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova] countries,” he concluded.