1 dead, 1 injured while mountain climbing in Georgia

Mkinvartsveri is the third highest mountain in Georgia (after Mount Shkhara and Janga) and the seventh highest peak in the Caucasus Mountains.
Agenda.ge, 06 Apr 2018 - 13:31, Tbilisi,Georgia

One mountaineer has died and another injured while descending Georgia’s Mount Mkinvartsveri yesterday.

According to preliminary information provided by the Interior Ministry, four people, including two Georgians and two foreigners were mountain climbing in Kazbegi.

The ministry said one of the foreigners allegedly slipped and died from severe injuries.

It was not possible to immediately rescue the injured due to severe weather conditions.

The video released by the Emergency Management Service shows how the body of the deceased man has been transferred from the mountains.

An investigation looking into possible human error and failure to properly rescue the hiking group has been launched.