Kvirikashvili: It’s not reasonable to suspend talks with Russia

Georgia’s PM answered a question about Russia. Photo by the Prime Minister’s webpage.
Agenda.ge, 16 Apr 2016 - 00:02, Tbilisi,Georgia

Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili has told Georgian journalists that his Government’s top priority is ensuring Georgia’s quick Euro-Atlantic integration. 

Kvirikashvili also stressed there would be no benefit in confronting Russia and this would only hinder Georgia’s development and stability.   

Kvirikashvili believed Georgia should continue its involvement in the Geneva International Talks and retain a special format of dialogue between Georgian and Russian special envoys, Zurab Abashidze and Grigory Karasin, as a way to ease relations with Russia. 

The PM stressed a desperate "cry" that Russian militants who were stationed on Georgian soil could only hinder the inflow of investments. 

Furthermore, Kvirikashvili stressed his Government had achieved vast progress as it continually raised the issue of Georgia’s occupied regions before the international community and at the same time ensured stability remained in Georgia by holding talks with Russia.