PM: We’ve done a good job, now we face new challenges to overcome

Georgia’s Prime Minister told Journalists upcoming elections would be fair, transparent and calm., 15 Apr 2016 - 21:07, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgia’s Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili is currently holding a meeting with anchors of Georgia’s leading political talk shows; the first a series of meetings since Kvirikashvili was appointed Georgia’s top official at the end of 2015. 

In his welcome speech before journalists, Kvirikashvili made highlights of the last three years and his vision of the future.

The PM stressed the previous years were full of challenges and the current Government managed to successfully resolve a range of social and political issues. 

However the PM added now Georgia faced new challenges that required a different approach and the Government was ready to overcome these issues. 

The PM stressed the Government initiated a four-point political agenda that envisaged large-scaled, fundamental changes in the state economy, education, governance system and infrastructural direction, which could play a vital role against the current problems. 

Kvirikashvili said a market-based education system and development of vocational education, high-level reforms to develop the economy, (annulling of income tax among them) large-scaled infrastructural works and a reform of the governance system to provide fast service and information would be crucial to overcome the existing challenges. 

The PM also touched on the upcoming October Parliamentary Elections and said there would be no Georgian Dream (GD) coalition in the race, as political parties would participate in the elections alone. 

On this note the PM said the process was completely democratic, in line with high European standards. 

The PM promised very transparent, fair and peaceful elections, as well as a renewed Georgian Dream party. 

Kvirikashvili said there would be new faces in the party, selected according to their sincerity to the public, openness and professionalism.