Georgian architect Tamar Tsanava shines at Dutch expo

Architect Tamar Tsanava's project for Tesla Renewable Energy Tower. Photo from Mind the Step., 04 Nov 2016 - 18:59, Tbilisi,Georgia

One of Georgia's most talented young architects studying abroad has presented her work at a major exhibition in the Netherlands that featured hundreds of the most innovative works by architects.

Tamar Tsanava's new work was in the spotlight of Dutch Design Week 2016, a 10-day occasion celebrating some of the boldest and most advanced designs by local architects and designers.

From October 22-30, the event invited the public to "discover the power of technology, research and design" in the city Eindhoven.

Tsanava showcased her work alongside local architects and designers. Photo from the International Education Centre's press office.

Tsanava's project for Tesla Renewable Energy Tower was presented within an exhibition section titled 'Mind the Step', which was organised as a joint display by four Dutch universities.

Mind the Step shows the results of the cross-fertilization between technology, research and design […] from ‘wearables’ that are incorporated in clothing and that monitor our behaviour to complex buildings and innovative urban expansions for the future" said the category's organisers
Mind the Step provides an opportunity to experience a new world in which high quality design is incorporated visibly or invisibly," they said.

Georgian architect Tamar Tsanava (L) at Dutch Design Week 2016. Photo from the International Education Centre's press office.

The Georgian architect's Tesla Renewable Energy Tower was presented as the best work from the Eindhoven University of Technology and featured as part of the theme Future City.

This project links the green car brand’s design principles to energy challenges in the [metropolis] of Istanbul. The result is a functional conference centre and electric bus terminal, provided with a fully chargeable cooling system," said a description of the work from Eindhoven University.

Tsanava's piece was exhibited in the main viewing space of Design Week, known as Klockgebouw.

The design week is one of the largest exhibitions in the Netherlands, with 10 days of displays and events. Photo from Mind the Step.

Tsanava is a beneficiary of Georgia's International Education Centre (IEC), which funds the study costs of Georgian citizens at leading international universities. 

Since IEC’s establishment in 2014 by the Government of Georgia, the Centre has financed the study of over a hundred Georgian students at world renowned universities in the United States, Europe and Asia in a variety of fields.

Beside the Eindhoven University of Technology, Tsanava has also studied at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam.