Pre-trial detention for man who shot 2 people at election gathering in Gori

Gori Regional Court met the prosecution’s demand and sent the man to pre-trial detention. Photo by, 06 Oct 2016 - 14:38, Tbilisi,Georgia

A regional court in central Georgia has sent a man to pre-trial detention for opening fire in the direction of Georgia’s ex-Defence Minister Irakli Okruashvili at a pre-election gathering in Gori. 

Alexander Induashvili has been charged for unlawful use of a weapon, surrendered to police two days ago. 

Today Gori Regional Court sentenced him to pre-trial detention.

On October 2 Okruashvili was meeting local voters when Induashvili shot his gun into the crowd. Okruashvili’s guard and a member of public were shot and injured in limbs. 

Okruashvili was Georgia’s Defence Minister (2004-2006) under the previous United National Movement (UNM) government. He is running as an independent majoritartian candidate in Gori in Saturday’s Parliamentary Elections. 

The ex-Minister, who lived abroad several years  after controversy with his former allies from UNM, identified Induashvili as the offender shortly after the incident. 

The two victims were taken to hospital with gunshot wounds. One was shot in the hand while the other was shot in the leg.

The wounds were not life-threatening and doctors said they would fully recover with time and treatment.