Italian experts lead body language course for Georgian border security

Two plain clothes Revenue Service officers observe passengers in the baggage hall at Tbilisi International Airport. Photo by, 15 Jul 2016 - 16:48, Tbilisi,Georgia

Frontline officers of Georgia’s Revenue Service supervising the country’s border checkpoints have a greater understanding of how to read people and situations thanks to a body language training course provided by a European Union (EU) project.

Three Italian experts Giuseppe Corbo, Basilio Pelosi and Marco Paladino shared their knowledge and skills on effective body language with 20 Georgian Revenue Service officers last week in Georgia.

The body language training course helped to improve the subtleties of assessing the body language of people moving through Georgia’s border checkpoints.

We are pleased that more of our frontline officers have benefited from this highly relevant and practical training course,” said Irina Sigua from Georgia’s Revenue Service International Relations Department.

The training course was developed within the EU-funded project for ‘Reinforcing the Capacities of the Government of Georgia in Border and Migration Management’ (More for More) and was implemented by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).