Gov’t seeks to annual foreign document fees

Georgians would be able to receive necessary official documentation from abroad free of charge. Photo by N.Alavidze/, 17 May 2016 - 14:38, Tbilisi,Georgia

The Government of Georgia has appealed to Parliament to annual the compulsory fee charged to citizens when they apply to obtain a range of official documents from foreign state organisations. 

If the amendment is approved by Georgian lawmakers, Georgian citizens must apply to Georgia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs of their request to obtain documentation from a foreign state, and receive the paperwork free of charge. 

The documents people can receive include: 

  • A death certificate; 
  • A Court medical expertise’s conclusion; 
  • A Court’s verdict about administrative and criminal cases; 
  • A document about the progress of an investigation of a criminal case; and 
  • A document about deportation. 

Currently Georgian citizens must pay a fee to obtain these and other documents. 

The change will come into action 15 days after it’s approved by Parliament.