Georgia’s Finance Minister attends Asian Development Bank event in Baku

During his Baku visit Georgia's Finance Minister will hold official meetings with Asian investors., 04 May 2015 - 12:54, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgia’s Minister of Finance Nodar Khaduri is paying an official visit to Azerbaijan’s capital Baku to attend the 48th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The ADB annual meeting started on May 2 and will continue until May 5, during which about 3,000 participants including senior officials, business leaders, investors, financiers, journalists, and civil society representatives from around the world will participate.

During his visit Khaduri has already met ADB president Takehiko Nakao, director general of ADB’s Central and West Asia Department Klaus Gerhaeusser and vice president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Kae Yanagisawa.

Khaduri thanked Nakao for the assistance provided by ADB to Georgia and expressed hope that the bank would continue supporting the country in the future.

"ADB is one of the reliable and important partners of Georgia. With ADB support various projects have been implemented in Georgia’s private and public sectors,” said Khaduri.

"We work in such areas as roads, water supply and shore protection works. I am sure the successful partnership will continue in the future,” he said.

Regarding Khaduri’s meeting with Gerhaeusser, the sides talked about the economic environment of Georgia and the region.

While meeting with JICA’s vice president, Khaduri and Yanagisawa discussed Georgia-Japan bilateral relations and JICA projects that had been implemented in Georgia. The sides spoke about Georgia’s priority spheres for economy development such as energy, tourism, infrastructure and agriculture, and how Japan could assist in this way.

In Baku Khaduri has also met with representatives of several investment companies.

The official schedule of the Bank’s annual meeting outlined at the business sessions on May 4 and 5, governors and ADB management will discuss ongoing and emerging challenges facing the region.