New computer game promotes peace between kids from Georgia and its occupied regions

The game presents a virtual landscape where gamers need to work together to ensure the stay of park visitors is happy and peaceful., 08 Apr 2015 - 19:31, Tbilisi,Georgia

Children from Georgia’s two breakaway regions - Abkhazia and Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) - as well as from the rest of the country will be united through a new computer game called "Peace Park”.

"Peace Park” is a new computer game initiated by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the European Union (UN) that aims to create an online space for youth divided by conflict.

The game presents a virtual landscape where gamers need to work together to ensure the stay of park visitors is happy and peaceful.

"The idea behind Peace Park is that we can use games to teach children, even our youngest ones, basic conflict resolution skills,” the game creators said.

"Peace Park" was developed by Georgian videogame developers, in close consultation with local and international experts in conflict resolution and online gaming, UNDP in Georgia wrote.

It intended to teach children from all over Georgia – whose land is 20 percent occupied - that working together can lead to win-win situations.

The game was tested among 60 children in six Georgian cities: capital Tbilisi in eastern Georgia, Kutaisi and Zugdidi in the country’s west, Abkhazian capital Sukhumi and other Abkhazian towns Gali and Ochamchire.

Now the initiators intend to further promote the new game and help children all over the country get along.

Click here to play or download the game for free.