Volkswagen Foundation helps preserve Georgian language online

Volkswagen Foundation promotes Georgian National Speech Corpus ., 12 Mar 2015 - 17:21, Tbilisi,Georgia

Germany is offering Georgia an online server that will allow the Georgian National Speech Corpus – a large collection of audio recordings of spoken language - to be preserved online.

The project, named ‘Georgian National Speech Corpus – Creation of Technological Framework’ has been implemented by the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia and funded by the Volkswagen Foundation since 2012.

The project aimed to develop a comprehensive database of speech audio files and text transcriptions, making the Georgian language, and all its diachronic and synchronic diversity, more accessible. In particular, access will be available for a range of scientific purposes, from linguistics to literary studies, history, political and social sciences and more.

The international partnership project is supported by the Volkswagen Foundation within the ‘Between Europe and the Orient – A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia and the Caucasus’ programme.