CNF offers €1 million to protect Georgia’s nature

Protected areas of Dusheti located in the north-eastern part of Georgia. Photo by, 23 Feb 2015 - 12:46, Tbilisi,Georgia

The Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) is committing to protect and preserve Georgia’s protected areas by offering significant financial aid of €1 million (about 2.5 million GEL).

The CNF, which is working to protect the Caucasus wilderness for future generations, announced the financial aid would go towards improving management and sustainable development of the Caucasus’ natural and cultural heritage.

CNF program director Daniel Sepic and Georgia’s Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources Elguja Khokreishvili signed the grant document today to solidify the deal.

The agreement specified development and protection of six biologically rich and culturally diverse areas of the country.

To date the foundation has offered financial support to Georgia – its efforts have provided a living wage for rangers and staff and enabled them to purchase essential equipment necessary to preserve and manage the nature they are designed to protect, said Sepic.

"In 2015, after a successful pilot project in Georgia, CNF will be rolling out its indicator species monitoring program in two more parks in Georgia and in a pilot park in Armenia. We will fund the creation of eco-tourism plans for four of the 15 parks we will be supporting next year, giving them the tools to become more self-sufficient,” he said.