National Opera and Ballet Theatre votes for new artistic director

The second round of voting was won by David Kintsurashvili with 218 votes., 29 Mar 2014 - 17:55, Tbilisi,Georgia

Tbilisi’s Zakaria Paliashvili Opera and Ballet State Theatre has voted for a new Artistic Director.

The second round of voting was won by David Kintsurashvili with 218 votes.

Kintsurashvili competed for the artistic director position against Mzia Nioradze.

Meanwhile, the first round of voting was held on March 24.

To gain a result, the successful candidate must receive the required number of votes (50% +1 vote) however neither candidate achieved this in the first round.

In total 369 people voted for a new artistic director. These people were part of the Opera Theatre's creative group and artistic administration.

Both rounds of the election was observed by Georgian non-governmental organisations "Association of Lawyers" and "The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy".

Now, Kintsurashvili’s candidacy will be submitted to the Ministry of the Culture and Monument Protection for approval.

Currently, Kintsurashvili is a Georgian Symphony Orchestra Conductor.