State will fund students’ energy projects

Vice Prime Minister and Energy Minister of Georgia Kakha Kaladze met Georgian sudents today.t, 07 Dec 2014 - 15:24, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgia’s Ministry of Energy will finance student energy projects as a way to foster innovation in Georgia's youth and help develop the country's energy sector.

Vice Prime Minister and Energy Minister Kakha Kaladze announced the Government's intentions when he met local students today. He said the Ministry was planning to create a special fund that would review energy projects developed by students and then finance the most "interesting ones”.

Once a project is submitted to the fund, a special Board will discuss it and make the final decision whether to finance it or not, Kaladze said.

"It is very important for us to have students involved in energy development,” the Minister added.

Meanwhile, Kaladze presented the achievements of the Ministry to the students today. He spoke about the importance of Hydro Power Plants and stressed the current challenges the Georgian energy sector faced.