Georgia participates in extreme UK military exercise

The General Staff of Georgian Armed Forces was handed the photo material of the exercise held in Wales., 02 Dec 2014 - 17:09, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgian military soldiers pushed their bodies and minds to the limit when they took part in one of the toughest military training exercises alongside overseas troops for the first time.

The Georgian team of eight tested their strength, leadership, first aid, navigation and other vital skills in the British Exercise Cambrian Patrol.

The British Exercise Cambrian Patrol has a 55-year history and is recognised as one of the most physically and mentally demanding long-range reconnaissance patrolling competitions. The event is held annually and involved navigating through some of the harshest terrain in Wales.

Five teams took part for the first time – from Georgia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, The Royal Army of Oman and Nepal – and joined troops from Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Pakistan, the Czech Republic, France, Denmark, Australia, Italy, Holland, Ireland, India, Canada and Estonia. Each team was required to cover more than 40km while carrying about 30kg in less than 24 hours.

Brigadier Martyn Gamble, Commander of 160 (Wales) Brigade and head of the Army in Wales, said: "This is the 55th year since the event started and every time we try and incorporate challenges that will test soldiers’ ability to navigate through tough and rangy terrain with an emphasis on bringing the best out of people.”

Navigating both by day and night, the patrols faced many testing and specialist challenges, including observation and reconnaissance of enemy forces, cold river crossings in full kit without access to boats and emergency first-aid.

The exercise also tested participants’ weapon skills, casualty evacuation procedures, recognition of aircraft, vehicles and equipment, patrol techniques, communication skills, ambush drills, evading capture and more.

The international Exercise Cambrian Patrol is organised and run by the UK’s 160 (Wales) Brigade and is one of the highlights in the British Army’s training calendar. The competition was open to regular, territorial and international teams and considered one of most arduous and prestigious military competitions.

The 2014 event was held in October and Georgia planned to participate in similar exercises in the future.