PM opens transport terminal in western Georgia

About one hundred Poti resident got jobs at the new transport terminal; Photo by PM's press office, 23 Nov 2014 - 21:02, Tbilisi,Georgia

About a hundred locals were offered employment with the opening of a new transport terminal on the Shah Deniz-2 gas pipeline in Poti, western Georgia’s Black Sea coastal town.

Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili attended the opening ceremony with Government members and diplomatic corps.

The PM said the terminal, as part of the Shah Deniz-2 project, would transport pipes and other equipment required for the expansion of the South Caucasus Pipeline through Georgia.

"This is one of the most difficult and complex energy projects which will strengthen the geopolitical positions of Georgia and the whole region," Garibashvili said.

Gas production as part of the Shah Deniz- 2 project was scheduled for 2018. Gas was expected to be supplied to Turkey in 2018 but to the European market in 2019.

The cost of the entire project was estimated to reach $28 billion.

One hundred local people will be employed at the new facility.