PM tells BBC: Russia is not interested in annexing Georgia’s breakaway territories

PM Garibashvili spoke about Georgia's foreign relations at the BBC World News in London., 12 Jun 2014 - 10:10, Tbilisi,Georgia

Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Garibashvili believes Russia is not interested in annexing Georgia’s breakaway regions South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

PM Garibashvili spoke about Georgia’s foreign relations with Russia in an interview with BBC World News in London overnight. He said it was a mistake to compare the situation in breakaway regions South Ossetia and Abkhazia with that of Crimea in Ukraine.

"Georgia’s case is quite unique,” he said, as he explained how on one hand, the country was moving towards the European Union (EU) and on the other hand, it was trying to normalize relations with Russia.

"I think we have found that perfect balance between these two,” Garibashvili added.

He also believed the fact Russia had opened its market to Georgian wine, mineral water, and more recently agricultural products, proved that the relationship between Georgia and Russia was stabilizing and progress had been made to resume normal relations.

"We said we wanted to normalize relations with Russia and just a month ago, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia confirmed … that Russia does not intend to interfere in Georgia’s Association Agreement with Europe,” Garibashvili said.

"Our EU aspirations do not conflict with our good will to normalize relations with Russia. A peaceful and stable Georgia means a peaceful and stable region,” Garibashvili said as he explained Georgia’s state reflected on the wider region as it held a unique and important strategic location.

"I think everybody should be interested in peace and stability in the region,” the Prime Minister added.

As for Georgia’s relations with the United States (US) and aspiration to become a member of NATO, PM Garibashvili explained that Georgia’s way towards the EU and NATO was "irreversible”.

He also pointed out that all NATO members underlined the tremendous progress Georgia had made and the fact Georgia was one of the largest non NATO-member countries who contributed to the peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan.

He said Georgia has obtained "very close ties” with the US and recalled his "successful visit” to the US earlier this year, which included meeting US President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry.

See the video of this interview below.