Street musicians perform for Tbilisi audience

Street Music Day 2013, Tbilisi, Georgia. Photo by Festival's official Facebook page., 30 May 2014 - 12:17, Tbilisi,Georgia

The main street of Tbilisi will be a hive of activity tomorrow when street artists from all walks of life show off their skills and talents.

Singers, drummers and everything in between will gather on Rustaveli Ave in Tbilisi tomorrow to play music in the Street Music Day 2014 festival.

The event is not specific to Tbilisi – all around the world on May 31, musicians and performers from different cities will go out onto the streets and play music.

Everyone is invited to participate – the only rule is participants must make a noise.

"There are no limits. It does not matter how old you are, your nationality or repertoire,” organisers said.

"Almost everybody has a ‘musician’ deep in their hearts – no matter where they’re from or if they’ve gone to music school, or simply listen to music. It’s not important whether they play in a rock group, in an ensemble or orchestra, or whether they just tap along with the music.”

This will be the third time Street Music Day will be held in Tbilisi.

Globally, more than 6,000 musicians from eight countries, including up to 90 Georgian musical groups, 50 solo performers, and multiple musical groups, are expected to take part in tomorrow’s festival.

The festival in Georgia will be an extra special event, as young musicians from Lithuania, Poland, Croatia, Armenia and Ukraine will come to Tbilisi and join in the fun.

Five musicians from different countries are set to participate in the European Union Youth in Action program, which is being organised by Youth Association Droni.

"This is a wonderful chance for unknown musicians to become famous and for professional performers to show their talent and abilities,” organisers said.

"This is an environment where musicians can implement their ideas and express their feelings. This creates an amazing opportunity to nurture the culture of music and love of art in Georgia.”

This festival was first held in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2007. The event inspired famous Lithuanian musician Andrius Mamontovas, who thought it would be great if the festival spread around the world.

His dream became a reality in 2009 when more than 5,000 participants took part in the Street Music Day festival in multiple venues all over the world.