Russian photographer reminds world of Odessa’s beauty

Yulia Grigoryeva's photo from exhibition collection "Peace for Odessa". Photo by Yulia Grigoryeva., 08 May 2014 - 17:53, Tbilisi,Georgia

As Odessa hangs in the balance of remaining under Ukrainian control or being invaded by Russian forces, a Russian photographer is hosting an exhibition showing Odessa in happier times.

Photographer Yulia Grigoryeva said she wanted to remind the world how peaceful the Ukrainian town was, so decided to host an exhibition showing photographs she took in July 2010.

Peace for Odessa. Photo by Yulia Grigoryeva.

Going to Odessa was like going to your grandmother’s house on summer vacations. And now, after such dreadful events we are forced to admit that this world is gone forever. I hope the city and its residents will soon recover from this terrible situation and I wish peace for Odessa and all Ukraine, Grigoryeva said.

The photographer, who now lives in Georgia, named her exhibition "Peace for Odessa”. The exhibition will present photographs showcasing the city, its people and the "symbol of leisure and good mood” Odessa offered, she said.

Located in south-west Ukraine, Odessa is a well-known seaside resort town made famous by its unique atmosphere and good-hearted people who have quite a peculiar sense of humour.

It is the third largest city in Ukraine with slightly more than 1 million residents. The current situation in Odessa is extremely tense and could follow the same path as the Crimean Peninsula and be sacrificed to Russia.

Peace for Odessa. Photo by Yulia Grigoryeva.

Grigoryeva decided to host the exhibition as a way to show support to the residents of Odessa and support the unity of those who live there.

Peace for Odessa. Photo by Yulia Grigoryeva.

The Russian-born photographer now lived in Georgia and has worked on a series of photos and a documentary film about this country. The "Peace for Odessa” exhibition is her first personal exhibition in Georgia.

Grigoryeva began her photography career working at different music concerts for Russian magazines and newspapers, including Rolling Stone, Billboard and Kommersant.

Her work developed as she travelled the world, where she mostly used black and white film. In the photography world she is known for her ability to catch moments of life on camera.

The exhibition will open tomorrow, May 9, at the Frontline Gallery in Tbilisi at 8pm. The Gallery is located at 3 Takhaishvili Street.

This event will be the fourth installment of the Women in Action project.