Former US diplomat praises Georgia’s progress

Kenneth Yalowitz, a retired US diplomat who specialized in the post-soviet space., 25 Apr 2014 - 15:44, Tbilisi,Georgia

A former US diplomat with links to Georgia believes Georgia has made immense progress in terms of development since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Kenneth Yalowitz, a retired US diplomat who specialized in the post-soviet space, gave his positive assessment of Georgia’s current state in an interview with student Chase Stoudenmire.

Stoudenmire, who conducted various research in Georgia, published his interview with Yalowitz on his personal blog on April 24. Yalowitz was the US Ambassador to Georgia from 1998 to 2001. He is currently the Global Fellow at the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington DC.

Yalowitz believed Georgia’s educational exchange played a prominent role in achieving model outcomes.

He also believed Georgia had a Western vector in its foreign policy.