Who will be the new Secretary of Georgian National Security Council?

Agenda.ge, 01 Nov 2013 - 00:00, Tbilisi,Georgia

Irina Imerlishvili will be appointed as a Secretary of the Georgian National Security Council. She will replace Giga Bokeria at this position.

Bokeria is known as a supporter of Mikheil Saakashvili and the previous government. He said he would leave his post if the Georgian Dream candidate Giorgi Margvelashvili won the presidential election, to which Margvelashvili responded that he also plans to replace Bokeria in case of his victory.

Imerlishvili has already confirmed the information.

"Yes, I received the offer and accepted it. She said. "When the new President will take an oath and his powers will be in force, Ill become the Secretary of National Security Council.

Irina Imerlishvili is a Member of Parliament and the Georgian Dream Party. She was the Deputy Minister of Justice, when Mikheil Saakashvili headed the Ministry.

Imerlishvili is the only woman in Georgia having the title of a general.