According to the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, because of Russias evasive position, the OSCE 20th ministerial held in Kiev failed to reach consensus on a number of issues including, the issue of conflicts in Georgia.
"The parties failed to reach consensus regarding the conflicts in Georgia because of Russias unconstructive position in the negotiation process. Also, the declaration between OSCE and Council of Ministers could not be adopted because of Russias negative attitude towards the indication of the existing conflicts in the OSCE area, reads the statement of the Ministry. In her speech delivered at the OSCE ministerial, Foreign Minister Maia Panjikidze stressed the concerning situation regarding installation of the wires and trenches by Russia alongside the occupation line in South Ossetia, as well as the importance of the international community's support in terms of human rights and security protection. She once again called on Russia to fulfill the terms of the 2008 ceasefire agreement. In addition, Foreign Minister Panjikidze addressed the representatives of the OSCE member states to intensify their diplomatic pressure on Russia in order to force the latter to embrace its commitment about not using force. Panjikidze also pointed out the importance of strengthening the role of OSCE for conflict resolution between Georgia and Russia.