Georgian Foreign Minister: ‘Georgian economy has possibility of development.’

Maia Panjikidze and Vladimir Socor during the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference., 28 Nov 2013 - 00:00, Tbilisi,Georgia

"The DCFTA is the most practical part of the Associated Agreement, which will give the Georgian economy the possibility of development, because the Georgian products can enter the European market. said the Georgian Foreign Minister Maia Panjikidze during the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference in Vilnius.

Panjikidze stated, "When the European market will be open for Georgian trade and economy, Georgia will achieve the European level.

"We will start the provisional application of DCFTA soon after the signing the agreement and this will bring the prosperity for our country. said Maia Panjikidze.

The Georgian Foreign Minister also talked about Russias pressure. She mentioned that "European integration of Georgia is not against Russian and it should be good for them to have stable neighbor.

After Foreign Minister Panjikidze completed her speech, she appealed to Vladimir Socor, the political analyst of East European Affairs for the Jamestown Foundation, who sat next to her.Socor is a close friend of the ex-president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, many times mentioned that the European orientation of Georgia is Saakashvilis merit.

The Georgian Foreign Minister told him that European integration is a choice of the Georgian people.

"The first contact with the EU, Georgia had in 1996, long before Saakashvili, stated Maia Panjikidze. "However Saakashvilis government wasnt able to manage free elections last year, and Bidzina Ivanishvili, whom you call a Russian oligarch did it.