Ex-President Saakashvili holds meetings in Washington

Saaksahvili asked American politicians to continue supporting Georgian people on their way of Euro-Atlantic integration.
Agenda.ge, 23 Nov 2013 - 00:00, Tbilisi,Georgia

Ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili is in Washington according to his official Facebook page.  

Saakashvili held consultations with political leaders of the House of Representatives of the US Congress and met with the Senator McCain, as well as other senators and congressmen.  

The ex-President of Georgia expressed his gratitude towards American politicians for their fruitful cooperation and asked to continue supporting Georgian people on their way of Euro-Atlantic integration, as well as in repelling the invaders pressure.  

Saakashvili also held a dinner with the heads of the Washingtons leading think-tanks.

Ex-President attended the meetings with his counselor Raphael Glucksman and a member of the Georgian Parliament from UNM, Mariam Sajaia who is currently studying in the US.