Blog: What drives AmCham President’s optimism about Georgia’s Future?

AmCham Georgia's presidnet Sarah Williamson, 14 Nov 2013 - 00:00, Tbilisi,Georgia

The strengthening of democratic institutions, combined with pro-business economic policies aimed at unlocking Georgias growth potential is what drives the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Georgias President and co-owner of United Global Technologies [UGT], Sarah Williamsons optimism about Georgias future. UGT is Georgias largests IT company.

Evaluating Georgias democratic reforms in the blog post from the Hill, the US-based news portal, Williamson said that in recent years, few countries can match Georgias progress when it comes to strengthening democratic institutions and creating a business-friendly environment for American investors.

Under the deadline "Time for a free trade deal with Georgia, the blog published on November 13, AmCham Georgia President believes, that "in a region of the world that is trending away from democracy and free markets, Georgia provides a unique success story that U.S. policymakers should embrace by extending opportunities for greater Euro-Atlantic integration.