Saakashvili wants his palace to stay as the Presidential Palace

Presidential Palace in Old Tbilisi was built of Saakashvili's initiative in 2004-2009., 06 Nov 2013 - 00:00, Tbilisi,Georgia

The incumbent president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili thinks the Presidential Palace is useless as a building for the university.

"The Presidential Palace is not Mishas palace. Georgia did not have a Presidential Palace for centuries because invaders did not want. It is a symbol of Georgias state. One day they say there should be one of the ministries, the other day they say there has to be a university.  Maybe they would see the building and make sure that the palace is completely useless for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the university, Saakashvili said during his meeting with youth yesterday.

In Saakashvilis opinion, the palace should stay as Presidential Palace.

However, upon Georgia's President-elect George Margvelashvilis decision, the Presidential Palace building will be transformed into the Georgian-American University. Margvelashvilis position is also acceptable for Tamar Sanikidze, the Minister of Education.