Radio Liberty: “Georgians Vote In Second-Round Parliamentary Elections”

Georgian Prime Minister and ruling party leader Giorgi Kvirikashvili at a rally in Tbilisi on October 8. Photo by Reuters., Oct 31, 2016, Tbilisi, Georgia

Radio Liberty is publishing an article about the second round of Georgia’s Parliamentary Elections.

"Georgians have gone to the polls on October 30 for a second round of parliamentary elections to decide the outcome of one-third of the seats in the 150-seat legislature,” the article reads.

The media outlet stresses ruling Georgian Dream party took 67 of the parliament’s seats in voting three weeks ago, but no candidate received a majority of first-round votes for 50 other seats.

The article says that Georgian Dream was running against the main opposition United National Movement (UNM), founded by self-exiled former President Mikheil Saakashvili.

"Both Georgian Dream and its main opponent, the UNM, are pro-Western, seeking better relations with NATO and the EU,” the article reads.

Read the full article here: