The Atlantic Council: “Georgia’s European Choice ‘Irreversible’ says Georgian Prime Minister”

US Secretary of State John Kerry (L) met Georgia’s Prime Minister, Georgi Kvirikashvili in Tbilisi, Georgia, on July 6. Photo from Reuters/David Mdzinarishvili., Sep 15, 2016, Tbilisi, Georgia

Georgia’s Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili is the focus of an interview with the Atlantic Council, which gives readers a thorough insight into the current state of the country and its domestic and foreign policy plans.

In a news article and a detailed Q&A, Kvirikashvili gives open and honest answers to tough questions posed by Ashish Kumar Sen of the Atlantic Council, which consistently reiterates the country’s ultimate goal of joining NATO and integrating into the Euro-Atlantic space.

Kvirikashvili speaks about Georgia’s growing cooperation with the US, visa liberalisation progress, the upcoming Parliamentary Elections and the biggest challenges currently facing the country. He also spoke about the country’s immediate reform priorities, the importance of growing tourism and fostering open governance.

Georgia’s European choice is irreversible. An overwhelming majority of the people of Georgia consider the goal of joining EU and NATO to be a necessity that will lead to a higher standard of democracy, security, peace, and prosperity in our country and region,” he said.

"Our people have supported the government in carrying out an ambitious reform agenda. Visa liberalization will be a tangible benefit for our citizens, who overwhelmingly support European integration. It will also serve as a crucial reminder to the people in the occupied territories of the advantages of our European and Euro-Atlantic integration.”

Georgia has gained many economic, political, and security benefits from pursuing the European and Euro-Atlantic integration path. The Georgian people are patient and clear-eyed about the timing, and I am confident they will continue to support pro-Western political leaders. In the final analysis, Georgia benefits both from the journey and the destination.”

Read the full article here: