The Guardian: "Georgia’s new Caucasus trail will link Black and Caspian seas"

Trailbuilders camping at Upper Svaneti. Photograph: Tom Allen, Aug 28, 2016, Tbilisi, Georgia

Leading British newspaper The Guardian has published publishing an article about a new trail currently being planned in Georgia to connect the Caspian and Black seas.

The newspaper speaks to the person behind the project, who says the route will become one of the world’s great hikes, revealing the fascinating cultures and unexplored natural wonders of the Caucasus.

The article is about the new Transcaucasian Trail (TCT) whose co-founder is Paul Stephens.

"Hiking the Caucasus for a few months would be incredible, like going across a continent in miniature," Stephens says.

"The spectacular terrain ranges from Georgia's dense forest and glaciers to the rugged pasturelands of Azerbaijan. But it’s the hospitality of the locals that makes trekking here really special.”

The trail, a mix of existing routes and new paths, is being developed in stages and the first is a 200km section between Svaneti and Racha in north-west Georgia.

The Guardian says volunteers are currently working to develop maps of the route which will promote the yrack and help make it a top destination for hiking enthusiasts.

Organisers say although the manual work is "intense”, volunteers get to see little-visited areas of Georgia.

"It’s a great way to experience a fascinating part of the world and spend time in beautiful landscapes, doing and learning something new," say organisers.

Read the full article here: