Wall Street Journal: Georgia Is Waiting for a Signal From the West

Georgia’s Defence Minister said the people of Georgia expected "a clear signal” from NATO about Georgia's future membership. Photo from the Wall Street Journal.
Agenda.ge, Nov 04, 2015, Tbilisi, Georgia

The Wall Street Journal, a daily business and financial newspaper edited in New York city and sold throughout the United States, has published an article written by Georgia’s Minister of Defence Tinatin Khidasheli.

In the article Khidasheli reminded Europe that "Russia has still not fulfilled the Minsk Agreement it signed in February regarding a ceasefire in Ukraine, and it continues to support the breakaway republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia. [Russia] also continues to meddle elsewhere in the Southern Caucasus”.

Khidasheli wrote Georgia needed the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation to make courageous decisions at the next NATO Warsaw Summit next July to promote European security.

Specifically, NATO must agree on a Membership Action Plan for Georgia or declare that such a plan is no longer a step toward eventual membership,” she said.
Russia cannot be allowed to have a veto on which democratic countries get to join the Atlantic alliance,” wrote Khidasheli.

Georgia’s Defence Minister once again emphasised that Georgia was ready for deeper EU and NATO integration. She said the Georgian population was expecting "a clear signal” from NATO at next year’s summit.

Read the full article here.