EUobserver : “Georgians want answers to years of impunity”

"The Saakashvili summons comes at a delicate time in EU-Georgia-Russia relations.", Apr 01, 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia

New waves of reforms have flourished in Georgia since the new Government came in the power in October 2012. People expected this Government to be more transparent and ensure a more fair justice system. This process also included summoning of former high officials.

Georgia’s ex-President Mikhail Saakashvili’s was called to the Chief Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia as a witness in several high profile cases. This issue had great resonance from the local and international community, and was highlighted in Tedo Japaridze’s article published on the Euobserver website on March 31.

For years, the international community - the Europeans, the Americans, and others - had called for a more transparent government in Georgia, a fairer justice system, a freer media. The new government led by Georgian Dream has delivered on those reforms, as the latest EU progress report this week notes. But should there be a two-speed justice system that leaves former officials above the law?

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