Reuters: Georgia hopes Ukraine crisis will spur West to robust reaction

"Moscow is trying to reconstitute a kind of Soviet Union, without the communism.", Mar 27, 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia

The consequences of the Ukrainian crisis will impact the future of Georgia’s sovereignty.

Because Georgia feels a strong "kinship” to Ukraine, Georgians hope the West will react more robustly in response to the Ukraine crisis. Journalist Margarita Antidze highlighted this issue in her article published on the Reuters website on March 25.

Despite Georgia not being as important to Europe as Ukraine, Georgia embraced a strategic location, which attracted both Europe and the United States, the journalist emphasized.

The country of 4.5 million people - which also hopes to join the NATO military alliance in the long term - now wants a strong Western response to Moscow's annexation of Crimea. This was sealed after people in the Ukrainian region overwhelmingly voted for union with Russia in a referendum denounced by Kiev and the West as illegal.

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