IOL Travel: “A cost-effective adventure”

The modern bridge that spans the Mtkvari River separating the city of Tbilisi.Photo by Jim Freeman., Sep 04, 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia

What do you know about Georgia, the country?

It’s a place where ancient remains morph together with the post-Soviet era and into a modern world that’s full of adventure and it is calling all visitors.

Blogger Jim Freeman shared his Georgian adventure on the IOL Travel website. In his piece Freemen highlighted the country’s most famous aspects of food, wine, culture and hospitability, as well its post-Soviet everyday-life habits.

Though Tbilisi has its own identity, there are elements of the capital that recall other, more glamorous, Western European cities. Like Edinburgh, there is a castle that dominates the skyline. The Mtkvari River, like the Seine in Paris or Berlin’s Spree, meanders through the historic part of the city – known as the Old Town – giving it charm and context, Freeman says.

Read the full article here: