Reuters: “Ruling party in Georgia wins local elections”

A woman casts her vote during the local election at a polling station in Tbilisi June 15, 2014. Credit: DAVID MDZINARISHVILI., Jun 17, 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia

In June Georgia held free and peaceful municipal elections. The country’s people went to polling stations and made their choices. Early results showed ruling Georgian Dream coalition won a majority of seats in local councils across the country.

Journalist Margarita Antidze summed up results of the elections in her article published on the Reuters website.

Georgian Dream candidates led in most of the 59 municipalities that released preliminary results from Sunday's elections on Monday, although their mayoral candidates in the eight biggest cities, including the capital Tbilisi, will face a runoff in two weeks after failing to cross the 50 percent mark,  read the article.

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