Works on political protest, environmental change and more awarded Kolga Tbilisi Photo prizes

A now-iconic photograph of a Palestinian civilian during last year’s protest for the Right of Return. Photo: Mustafa Hassouna., 30 May 2019 - 17:08, Tbilisi,Georgia

Photography enthusiasts with a wide range of works were awarded at this month’s Kolga Tbilisi Photo festival, as winning series and individual shots showing political struggle, climate change effects and other moments were singled out for honours in the capital city.


Organisers revealed the judges’ selection of the most distinguished participants throughout the past week, when the final display of the festival was also opened.


The juries were tasked with identifying their favourites as the event aimed to be “exceptional for the number of powerful photography projects covering a wide range of topics”.


Fausto Podavini secured the Documentary Series category prize for his project And I Will Make the Rivers Dry, which portrays people of Kenya’s Turkana County and their relationship with Lake Turkana, the largest permanent lake in a desert, within climate change developments.