Irakli Chikovani, the Georgian Defence Minister, on Thursday said political leaders of the country had “repeatedly stated” that it was “important to restart” relations with the United States, adding his Government was “ready” for the step.
Chikovani said the decision of the US Department of Defence to indefinitely postpone this year’s Noble Partner multinational military exercise in Georgia, and the freezing by the European Union of €30 million in support for the country from the European Peace Facility in response to the Government’s adoption of a law on transparency of foreign influence earlier this year, were “rather regrettable and incomprehensible decisions”.
“Over the years, we have had many successful results in the field of defence and security, which are important both for Georgia and our partner states. I would like to emphasise that the exercises, and especially the international exercises we are talking about, bring concrete benefits to the Georgian Defence Forces, the US, and all the states that participate in these exercises. These exercises help increase our mutual compatibility, give experience to military personnel and also allow us to face new challenges", he added.
Chikovani said he hoped the decisions by international partners would be “changed very soon”.
The Minister also emphasised the Government had “many forms of cooperation and important projects with the US” that “continue as usual”.