Georgia’s Special Investigation Service on Friday said it had arrested a 28-year-old man for violation of privacy of a 13-year-old girl.
The body said the investigation had found the victim had met the offender through the TikTok platform in March and started “everyday communication” via video calls, before the alleged offender demanded her to go naked during the communications.
After noticing the man was making screenshots of the shared media, the victim requested him to delete the photos, stopped communication with the offender in April and also blocked him on social media.
Her naked photos were subsequently shared on TikTok, with unknown individuals beginning to contact the victim via social media and threatening to send her intimate photos to her mother.
The Service launched an investigation following a request by the underage girl, identifying the alleged offender and locating him.
Law enforcement officers seized the photos and video recordings from a device during a personal search of the individual, and recovered intimate photos of other underage girls from his mobile device.
The crime is punishable by up to seven years of imprisonment.