Georgia’s Special Investigation Service on Wednesday said it had arrested a teenage man for violation of privacy of a 13-year-old girl, after the alleged offender blackmailed the victim and sent intimate video recordings of the minor to her relatives.
The body said the investigation had found the 19-year-old had met the victim through Facebook while using a fake profile in April, before starting an “intensive communication” via video calls in the Messenger of the social media platform.
It added the alleged offender had forced the victim to undress for the video calls with threats of harming her family members.
He then sent the video materials to her 17-year-old sister and stepfather in May, also requesting the sister to undress and threatening to release the recordings. After being rejected, the man released the material on the social network.
The investigation service launched the investigation following a request by the mother of the underage girl, with the video recordings recovered from a device seized during a personal search of the alleged offender.
The crime is punishable by up to seven years of imprisonment.