Georgian Education Minister Giorgi Amilakhvari on Monday said there was “no reason to panic” following reports that alleged presence of explosives in educational institutions in the country’s capital Tbilisi on Sunday, adding classes at schools would continue.
Amilakhvari was asked about the State Security Service’s operations in response to the messages that indicated explosives and expected attacks in educational institutions and shopping centres in the city.
The warnings were posted on platforms including the messaging service Telegram, before the Service responded with its efforts earlier on Monday.
The Minister said all schools had been checked and added the messages had been confirmed to have been cases of “false alarm”, with investigation now ongoing to determine individuals and motives behind them.
He also noted the professionals had worked at venues throughout the night and extended his gratitude to the Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for their efforts.
The State Security Service earlier today told no explosive substances or devices had been found following the inspections, while the Education Ministry said classes would resume as “all necessary measures” had been ensured at related venues.