Declarations registered by electronic customs platform of Georgia up by 10% y/y

Customs operators of e-Gezi have registered 61,440 customs declarations within the past six months, marking a 10 percent increase year-on-year. Photo: Nino Alavidze/, 19 Mar 2024 - 11:38, Tbilisi,Georgia

The Revenue Service of Georgia on Monday said customs operators of e-Gezi - an electronic service for Customs Clearance Zones - had registered 61,440 customs declarations within the past six months, marking a 10 percent increase year-on-year.

The body said the concept of e-Gezi “significantly reduced the time and expenses of taxpayers” and helped relieve queues of customers in economic zones of registration throughout Georgia.

The platform allows completion of cargo clearance procedures electronically, requiring users to upload necessary documentation to the Revenue Service website without having to enter economic clearance zones.

The Service said it had also set preferential fees for users registering their goods through the customs automated data system to encourage the use of self-service and electronic services.

The body added the customs system was undergoing reform aiming to digitise its services.