Gia Tsagareishvili, an MP from the ruling Georgian Dream party, on Tuesday said the ruling team avoided discussing Ukraine’s involvement in the clandestine return of the former President Mikheil Saakashvili to Georgia “until now”, noting the Ukrainian side had provided false information on Saakashvili's location to the Georgian special services.
In an interview with the Public Broadcaster, Tsagareishvili emphasised that despite Ukraine being a partner country, it had misled Georgian authorities on Saakashvili’s whereabouts.
He further alleged that Saakashvili had clandestinely entered Georgia in 2021 with the assistance of Ukrainian authorities, hiding in Georgia’s Black Sea city of Batumi and planning civil unrest ahead of local elections.
The MP expressed disappointment over the failure to extradite Zurab Adeishvili, the wanted former Prosecutor General and Justice Minister of Georgia under the previous United National Movement Government, being a key figure in Saakashvili’s ongoing cases, from Ukraine, despite many successful cases of extraditions from numerous countries, including the United States and several European countries.
It seems that the people who protect and patronise Adeishvili are doing everything to ensure that this person does not serve his sentence in Georgia”, Tsagareishvili stressed.
The Prosecutor's Office of Georgia on Monday asked German and Belgian authorities to arrest and extradite Adeishvili to the country, following the latter’s visit to the European Union and Germany as part of an official delegation of Ukraine.
Recently Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze also called on the Ukrainian Government to take decisions that would “strengthen the historic friendship between the two countries and not the other way around”, in response to Adeishvili’s inclusion in the Ukrainian delegation.